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  • Mon, November 20, 2023
  • Mon, December 11, 2023
  • 4 sessions
  • Mon, November 20, 2023, 1:00 PM 3:00 PM (CST)
  • Mon, November 27, 2023, 1:00 PM 3:00 PM (CST)
  • Mon, December 04, 2023, 1:00 PM 3:00 PM (CST)
  • Mon, December 11, 2023, 1:00 PM 3:00 PM (CST)
  • 701 Sawdust Rd, Spring, TX 77380
  • 14


Wetter is Better! 

Watercolor with Teri Valentine

The best way to learn about painting with watercolor, is to keep on painting with watercolor! Whether you want to paint in a traditional manner, add some pen and ink with it, or, incorporate watercolor into your mixed media practice, just do it!  Join me! 

Dates:  Mondays:  11/20, 11/27, 12/4, and 12/11 at the WAL Studio

Time:  1:00 - 3:00

Cost:  $125.00 for WAL members, $150.00 for non-members, payable to WAL

During this class we focus on creating complete paintings.  

Find your own reference material.  What excites you? Do you want to copy a painting, paint an image from a magazine, use your own photographs as reference material, paint something out of your head?  

The techniques below will be ongoing throughout. 

We will continue to explore the relationship between paint and water, as this is the foundation of watercolor.  We'll practice just how wet (or dry) paper needs to be to achieve hard lines, soft lines, no lines.

We will practice washes, glazing (layering), creating texture, masking, lifting

I will bring a few of my favorite watercolor books to share (during class), showcasing several different styles, as variety is the spice of life!